Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mostly I love to sing, write and record music
Chillin with two new friends while at 6 Flags and chilling with  5 new friends I met at a leadership conference

Infinity and Beyond

I love the kids

I love doing my Community Service.. Someone's gotta be Santa- So I figure, why not me
I like living life on the edge. I felt very safe around this Vampire, since he was outside during the daytime. Lol


Enjoying myself at the National Visionary Leadership Project in Washington, Dc. I had a chance to meet one of its founders- Dr. Camille Cosby, wife of Bill Cosby.

Happy Birthday

I still feel like a kid on my birthday. Always in a good mood. I ma usually doing something involving Student Leadership on this day for some odd reason

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.- The greatest Fraterninty in the world- Craig

This may as well be a photo of me. My Fraternity helped me to realize that I can lead like a King. Texas made baby!!

Desperate times call for desperate measures...

....and I'm alright with that..............


I miss my Man's Best Friend

The Nissan

I remember thinking it would be so awesome to be in snow where I'd have to dig my car out. That was until I had to really experience it

I've been set a part from the norm for a very long time now

I'm a pimp